Singapore Family Photography

Did you know?

When it comes to family photos, studies now show that displaying photos of our children throughout the home increases their confidence, self-worth; providing a sense of comfort and reassurance that they ‘belong.’ It sends the message that our family and those in it are important to one another, and we honor the memories we have experienced.

  • For family photography involving children, I’ll arrive with toys, squeaky ducks, music and gadgets to get the little ones’ attention. Don’t trust a photographer who shows up empty handed!

  • The best family photos look casual, natural, yet beautifully composed. We understand that not everybody is a model, so we’ll provide gentle direction and lame jokes, so that your photos turn out to become unforgetable heirlooms for the family.


Get a no-obligation quote for Singapore Family Photography today!

Singapore Family Photoshoot:

  • Unlimited returns of usable images

  • All images returned with basic digital enhancements

  • Choice of 1 or 2 outdoor locations

  • No hidden costs

Singapore Family Photography Pricing:

  • 1 hour: $350

  • 2 hours: $500

Tips for Family Photo Shoots

  • Don’t stress about the kids. It’s natural for children to run around and express themselves. We’ll bring an assortment of toys and distractions to make sure they’re entertained and excited for the shoot!

  • Dress as a family! When you sign up for our family photography session, you get a free styling guide to make sure you’re dressed for success!

  • Bring snacks! Besides starving off hunger, snacks can help your whole family relax and bring smiles on everyone’s faces.

  • Trust the process. We know that not everyone is a model, so we’ll handle the posing and everything else.